Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Princiipal's Epistle              
6 Chapel at 9:15AM, Preschool chapel at 1PM, staff mt. at 3:30
7 No Jump Rope Club, Art Club until 4:15 PM
8 Bake sale for Haiti
10 St. Mark’s has worship services at 8AM, 10:30AM, and 6PM with Sunday Sch. at 9:15AM
11 Strategy Club until 4:15 PM, staff mt. at 3:30
12 Jump Rope Club until 4:15 PM
13 Chapel at 9:15 AM
14 Jump Rope Club and Art Club until 4:15 PM, last day for Market Day orders
15 principal gone all day
Prayer Families
Olivia L. (P4), Elijah F. (K), Michael B. (3), Megan B. (1), Marissa B. (P2)
Saint Salute
A big Saint Salute and thanks to Mrs. Reisenbichler for planning a great Math Camp.
A big Saint Salute and thanks to all the parent volunteers during Math Camp.
A big Saint Salute and thanks to the staff for helping during Math Camp.
            Many changes are in the works for next school year.  All classrooms will have updated Smart Boards with new projectors.  This will cost almost $13,000.  St. Mark’s Church has plans to update all the carpet in the church, narthex, and offices.  The church also plans to improve the parking lot with new pavement and new lighting.  The church area will have a new speaker system and new lights.  We cannot buy lights for those very old fixtures anymore.  One change that I don’t like is that Tano’s has quit the business of school hot lunches.  The government regulations and paperwork cost too much time and thus $$$ for them to make any profit.  I will be looking for something else along those lines.
Important Dates to Know
7       NO Jump Rope Club
10     Mother’s Day
19     Family Fun Night - cornhole
20     Last Day for Pre-2
21     Last Day for Pre-3 and PK
22     Last Day for Pre-4
25     No School – Memorial Day
29     Last Day for K-8, dismiss at 11:30 AM
Parents that have not yet enrolled for 15-16 are reminded that the enrollment fee increases June 1.

Dollars for Haiti – Bake Sale
As part of the serve hour requirements a 3rd grader wanted to Do SOMETHING for kids in Haiti. During lunch and after school Friday May 8th a 3rd grader will be providing baked sweets for a donation towards 30 orphan kids in Haiti. Please prayerfully consider your donation. There will be no price set for the items. Here are some facts about the Kids in Haiti:  Before the earthquake 1 and in every 3rd kid dies before the age of 5. The earthquake has increased the number of orphans.  Orphanage will improve the living conditions of a kid, 80% of the people live below the poverty level.  There are estimated to be 430,000 orphans.  Only 10% of the children attend school.  Your donations will go towards safety of shelter and goods as well as education. Thank you in advance with helping a Kid DO SOMETHING for other kids. 
What is God? By Olivia Bryan Updegrove
The mother of one of our preschoolers has just published her first (in a series) of Children’s Books. The books are for kids ages 4-10. They encourage children to ask and experience faith questions. If you are interested in purchasing a signed copy, the cost is $11.
Website:  (At Home Activities Coming Soon!)
Facebook Page: (Like and “Follow”):
Please include a note with your child’s name, a check (made out to Olivia Bryan Updegrove), and grade. Feel free to include specific “requests” for signing. Return these by May 6th.
Full Day PK next year
St. Mark's will offer PK students two options for next year.  Students may attend the AM session – 9-11:30 PM, Monday-Thursday or all day – 9AM-3PM, Monday – Thursday.
Happy Birthday
8          Ethan S. (7)
11        Kyle F. (1)

Classroom information
Mrs. Schulte (Pre-2)
This week in class we had fun "Under the Sea".  We learned a lot about ocean life.  We had several new books in our library about the ocean.  We went fishing for bubble fish at our water table.  At our Math Center, we added fish and bubbles to make patterns and practice our counting skills.  At Bible Time we shared the story of "Paul is Shipwrecked!", and sang our new song, My God is So Big!.  We ended the day enjoying our sandbox and playing a little game of Shark Tag. 
Mrs. Frey (Pre-3,4)
Preschool is reviewing letter M for Mom! We will discuss what makes a Mom special and create special Mother’s Day presents. We will read “Are You My Mother?” and talk about the jobs that animal mothers have. Both classes will end the week with a special celebration to honor their Mothers and Grandmothers. In Bible Time 3’s will learn about how God cares for all creatures great and small. 4’s will hear the account of Phillip spreading the Gospel to an Ethiopian man. It is our job as well to tell others about God’s love!
Mrs. Reynolds (PK)
Pre-K is reviewing the letters V, W, X, and Y this week. We are continuing our center in the grocery store. Students are taking turns playing cashier, bagger and shoppers. They are given a shopping list and a certain amount of money and are told they cannot go over budget and they only have enough money to get what is on their list. This teaches them self-control as well as simple addition. It is great real world practice for them and they seem to love it. we have invited mom's and grandma's to come in Thursday for a bit of pampering fun in celebration of Mother's Day. In Bible this week we are learning more about Phillip and his journey. With the end of the school year quickly approaching we are hard at work on our special end of the year project and presentation for the last day of school.
Mrs. Sherman (K)
Kindergarten continues their rainforest adventure as they learn about sloths, howler monkeys and red eyed tree frogs!  During math, they are graphing and adding animals in the rainforest.  At reading workshop, the boys and girls are reviewing vowel sounds, solving mysteries with beginning sounds and creating words from the letters in "rainforest."  During Bible time, they will hear about Paul being shipwrecked.  Paul was in a difficult and dangerous situation but he trusted in the Lord to see him through.  The boys and girls know He will hear them and deliver them too!  The full day students will play smartboard jeopardy and shining sums in math.  They will also measure rainforest animals and create more animals to add to the class rainforest area.
Mrs. Reisenbichler (1-2)
Our lessons in Jesus Time this week are about Mary annointing Jesus' feet and Zacchaeus.  In math, the second graders are working on division and multiplication.  First graders finish up their studies of Native Americans this week while the second graders begin a new unit in language arts learning to read informational text.  They will learn to take number notes and two column notes while reading for information.  The second graders will be hosting a Panda for several days introducing him to the American culture.  In science, we begin our unit on the Earth.
Mrs. Mayo (3-4)
We had a great time at math camp last week.  We got to use many of our math skills in a fun and different way.  This week in math the 3rd graders will be working with polygons and angles.  The 4th graders are going to practice working with percents, before multiplying and decimals.  They will take a chapter test at the end of the week.  In religion we will learn about Elisha and his work as a prophet.  In reading we are starting the book, James and the Giant Peach.  In social studies we will be learning about money: earning, saving, and needs vs wants.  In science we will be learning about ecosystems and food chains. 
Mr. Postenrieder (5-6)
In our Bible time this week we looked at the history of the hymns we use in our Lutheran worship. We will also look at how we show our Christian faith no matter where we are.  In 5th grade math we continued to work with graphs. We also learned the formulas for the area and circumference of circles. On Friday we took our Unit 10 test.  In 6th grade math we took our 18th test. We also worked with graphing functions, transversals, and the total sum of the angles of triangles and quadrilaterals. In our Language Arts time we worked with visualizing from reading poetry. In Social Studies we looked at different cultural aspects of Asia. In Science we began a review of what science is and how we can study God’s creation through scientific methods. In Spelling we studied the Latin roots: rupt and tract.
Mr. Mayo (7,8)
In Literature, we are analyzing poetry and starting to address the themes in science fiction.  Is the technology coming in the future going to make us smarter?  Will we overcome our desire for war?  We’ll see what the students say.  We’re learning about the Great War, and how the United States seemed to bail everyone out.
Mr. Reisenbichler (7-8)
In religion we are studying death.  In 7th grade math the students are solving literal equations, calculating slope of a function, and solving equations with exponents.   In 8th grade math we are calculating the volume and surface areas of compound solids and studying comsumer interest.  In science we are learning about metals and alloys.  The students are building a mining tool in STEM.

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