Wednesday, October 14, 2015

14 Chapel at 9:15AM, K-8 dismiss at noon, Free Dress Down Day
15-16 No School
18 St. Mark’s has worship services at 8AM, 10:30AM, and 6PM with Sunday Sch. at 9:15AM
20-22 Parent-Teacher Conferences
21 Chapel at 9:15 AM
23 Walk-a-thon
Prayer Families
Mason D. (P4), Andrew G. (P3), Sophie S. (P2)
Saint Salute
A big Saint Salute to those students changing point clubs on the AR Wall of Fame
Carson H. (2)            100 Points
Thomas M. (5)           300 Points
Alaina S. (5)              1400 Points
Russell W. (6)           1500 Points
            How can you spend time with your child, build their reading skills, and help them learn to love books?  Read to them.  Try to read to your younger child every day.  Maybe 10-15 minutes of bedtime reading for a peaceful end to the day could be a starting point.  Take a book to read during another child’s practice time.  Or you could curl up together with a book after you arrive home from work.  Another question is who chooses the book?  Why not take turns picking that special book.  Younger children like to hear old favorites again and again.  Also, let the child participate.  They can turn the pages or maybe have them fill in the next word at the end of a sentence.  When you read, it is always a good idea to go slowly so the child has time to understand the story and look at the pictures.  Be creative.  You could use different voices for different characters.  Maybe you could insert your child’s name for the name of the main character.  You could also use other family’s names for other characters.  Have fun reading to your children.
Important Dates to Know
14 Half day of school, Dismiss at noon for K-8
    End of first Quarter
15-16 No school – Teachers’ Conference
23    Walk-a-thon
Nov. 5-6   Picture Day
October tuition is now due
Special Clubs
St. Mark’s holds many clubs during the year for grades 1-8.  Science Club for grades 1-4 will begin November 5.  Stacking Club for grades 5-8 beings on that same date.  Students in grades 5-8 may join Science Olympiad with practice beginning Nov. 3.  This club requires a commitment of every week attendance.  This is actually a team that practices 23 events for competition on March 5. Any student can join this team.  However, only 15 may be on the competitive team on March 5.  Stacking Club for grades 1-4 starts on Nov. 3.
Picture Days
St. Mark’s will have a new photographer this year.  Harriet Kurp, a photographer who took pictures for King of Kings for many years, will present us with a different type of photo opportunity.  No money is due on Picture Day.  Within two weeks every student will receive the same package – 2-5x7, 2-4-6, 6 wallets, and a class photo.  Each family has 3 options:
1. Return the package and owe nothing.
2. Keep the package and owe $27.50.
3. Keep the package and add as many options (a-la-cart) as desired.
St. Mark’s conducts only one major fund-raiser a year (not one every 3-4 weeks).  Information was sent home with each student last week.  Prizes are per individual not per family.  Let’s make this the best year ever.  The actual walk is Oct. 23.  Money is due Oct. 21.  Many volunteers are needed for this event.  If you are willing to help punch lap cards, serve a treat, or provide drinks, please let the office know.  T-shirts will be given to all volunteers.
Operation Christmas Child—Fill a Shoe Box
It’s Operation Christmas Child time! The Women’s Guild of St. Mark’s church invites all to participate in this mission. Operation Christmas Child is a program that allows us to provide Christmas presents to children in other countries who are affected by war, poverty, disease or disaster.  Here’s how it works: Grab a shoe box from under the Women’s Guild table near the Fellowship Hall. Choose either a box for a boy or girl.  Follow the directions in the attached flier which will tell you how to fill the box. FYI ~ No toothpaste, please. Write a check for $7 to “Samaritan’s Purse” to help cover the cost of shipping these gifts overseas. Place your check inside your filled box, put the rubber band back around the box, and make sure your boy/girl label is on the box with appropriate age range marked. Return the filled box to the Women’s Guild table by November 16. Thank you!
Veterans’ Day
For Veterans’ Day, we are having the veterans come for lunch.  If you have a veteran in your family, please bring them on Wednesday, November 11.  We will provide lunch for them.
Happy Birthday
14        Corinn H. (P4) & Laila P. (PK)
Classroom information
Mrs. Frey (P-3 & P-4)
Preschool is learning about letter N for Nuts this week as we continue our Fall discovery. We will read Scaredy Squirrel and discuss how squirrels prepare for winter. 3’s will create a squirrel holding an acorn using a paper towel roll. 4’s will create an art project that holds acorns. It is a short week due to the teachers’ conference. 4’s also have a field trip to Shaw Farms on Monday. In Bible Time 4’s will learn about Jacob’s troubles and how God protected him. 3’s will learn about Moses’ birth and how God kept him safe in a dangerous time.
Mrs. Reynolds (PK & P-2)
 Pre-K is having an exciting week! Monday we went to Shaw Farms for our very first field trip of the year! Then we discussed what we liked about Shaw Farms. We will be drawing pictures in our journals about things that we saw while at the farm. The theme this week if fall leaves with that we will discuss why leaves change color in the fall and making our own fall trees. The letter of the week is the letter Ll. In Bible we are talking about God's love and how he sent Jesus to save us because he loves us so much. Our scripture for this week is John 3:16.
Mrs. Sherman (K)
It is pumpkin week!  The class will be counting, measuring, weighing, cooking, painting and labeling pumpkins.  They will read pumpkin stories, match pumpkin rhymes and so much more!  During Bible time, they will begin the account of Joseph.  This is a story of happy times and sad times.  Joseph went through many difficulties but God used him to save many people from famine.  The full day students will rotate through pumpkin math centers, create a pumpkin patch of sight words and retell The Stubborn Pumpkin.  
Mrs. Reisenbichler (1)
This was a fun week.  Since it was short, we used it to review a lot of skills in reading.  In Jesus Time we reviewed all of our Bible verses and made little books with them.  During math we worked with counting nickels and pennies, but the most fun thing we did was learn about pumpkins.  We used them for math skills, grammar skills, science, and writing.
Ms. Rhonemus (2)
This week has flown by since it was only a half week.  Since Monday was Christopher Columbus day, we briefly discussed what he is famous for and went over some basic geography.  We also learned about time and how calendars and clocks came to be.  In math we learned how to practice addition and subtraction by using an "In and Out machine" which is a format that aids in practicing counting by +4 or -3 and so on.  In reading we are continuing to read more about spiders, flies, and friendship while continuing to search for events that cause other events.  Seventh and eighth graders finished presenting their anti smoking ads and began learning about diseases and our immune system.
Mrs. Mayo (3-4)
For our short week, we've done things we haven't been able to get to.  We practiced our chapel play for next week.  We did a lot of science activities:  We did a STEM project with gummy worms.  We did another science experiment about transfer of heat energy.  We learned more about bees so we could begin a bee report next week.  Mrs. Mayo acted out the directions we wrote about making sandwiches so we could see where we needed to write better directions.  We made a map of the mid-Atlantic states.  But best of all, we had our end of the quarter sale where we got to spend the Mayo money we've earned all quarter!
Mr. Postenrieder (5-6)
In our Bible time this week we completed our study of Joseph. In 5th grade math we worked with properties of polygons and tessellations. In 6th grade math we took our 4th test. In our Language Arts time we finished our paper on our favorite character. In Social Studies we completed our power points on the state we chose last week. In Science we completed our scale models of our classroom.  In Spelling we caught up on work for the first quarter.
Mr. Mayo (7,8)
This was a short week for us, due to the Ohio District Educators’ Conference, held in Columbus.  The end of the first quarter was Wednesday, 10/14.  It amazes me that one fourth of the year is already over.   I’m pleased with the amount the students have learned in that time.  In History, we’ll begin a discussion of the English colonies; including how and why each was started.  It’s surprising how many were begun as business ventures.
Mr. Reisenbichler (7-8)
In religion we are studying “Who Am I”.  In 7th grade math the students are studying the coordinate plane and writing decimal numbers.  In 8th grade math we are classifying quadrilaterals and adding integers.  The students are learning to construct structures using food cans and boxes in STEM.

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