Wednesday, October 21, 2015

21 Chapel at 9:15 AM, Parent-Teacher Conferences
22 Parent-Teacher Conferences
23 Walk-a-thon
25 St. Mark’s has worship services at 8AM, 10:30AM, and 6PM with Sunday Sch. at 9:15AM
28 Chapel at 9:15AM
Prayer Families
Finn B. (PK), Griffin M. (PK), Maylie B. (P4)
Saint Salute
A big Saint Salute to those students changing point clubs on the AR Wall of Fame
Rylan M. (3)              200 Points
Jake S. (7)                 2700 points
            Here are some “special” sayings I recently observed:
o   The Energizer bunny was recently arrested and Charged with battery.
o   I’m reading a book about anti-gravity.  I can’t seem to be able to put it down.
o   Why were the Indians here first?  They had reservations.
o   Broken pencils are pointless.
o   Field trip to the Coca-cola factory – I hope there’s no pop quiz.
o   Did you hear about the cross eyed teacher who lost her job because she couldn’t control her pupils?
Important Dates to Know
23    Walk-a-thon, November lunch orders due
25 The Children DO NOT sing in church
Nov. 5-6   Picture Day
October tuition is now due
Special Clubs
St. Mark’s holds many clubs during the year for grades 1-8.  Science Club for grades 1-4 will begin November 5.  Stacking Club for grades 5-8 begins on that same date.  Students in grades 5-8 may join Science Olympiad with practice beginning Nov. 3.  This club requires a commitment of every week attendance.  This is actually a team that practices 23 events for competition on March 5. Any student can join this team.  However, only 15 may be on the competitive team on March 5.  Stacking Club for grades 1-4 starts on Nov. 3.  Helpers are welcome to any and all Science Club Thursdays.
Picture Days
St. Mark’s will have a new photographer this year.  Harriet Kurp, a photographer who took pictures for King of Kings for many years, will present us with a different type of photo opportunity.  No money is due on Picture Day.  Within two weeks every student will receive the same package – 2-5x7, 2-4-6, 6 wallets, and a class photo.  Each family has 3 options:
1. Return the package and owe nothing.
2. Keep the package and owe $27.50.
3. Keep the package and add as many options (a-la-cart) as desired.
St. Mark’s conducts only one major fund-raiser a year (not one every 3-4 weeks).  Information was sent home with each student last week.  Prizes are per individual not per family.  Let’s make this the best year ever.  The actual walk is Oct. 23.  Money is due Oct. 21.  Many volunteers are needed for this event.  If you are willing to help punch lap cards, serve a treat, or provide drinks, please let the office know.  T-shirts will be given to all volunteers.
Operation Christmas Child—Fill a Shoe Box
It’s Operation Christmas Child time! The Women’s Guild of St. Mark’s church invites all to participate in this mission. Operation Christmas Child is a program that allows us to provide Christmas presents to children in other countries who are affected by war, poverty, disease or disaster.  Here’s how it works: Grab a shoe box from under the Women’s Guild table near the Fellowship Hall. Choose either a box for a boy or girl.  Follow the directions in the attached flier which will tell you how to fill the box. FYI ~ No toothpaste, please. Write a check for $7 to “Samaritan’s Purse” to help cover the cost of shipping these gifts overseas. Place your check inside your filled box, put the rubber band back around the box, and make sure your boy/girl label is on the box with appropriate age range marked. Return the filled box to the Women’s Guild table by November 16. Thank you!
Veterans’ Day
For Veterans’ Day, we are having the veterans come for lunch.  If you have a veteran in your family, please bring them on Wednesday, November 11.  We will provide lunch for them.
Perfect Church Attendance for 1st quarter (K-8)
Thomas C. (K)                      Zeke T. (1)                 Claire P. (1)
Megan B. (2)                         Tiara Jones (2)         Paul P. (2)
Ian S. (3)                                Jack H. (4)                 Jenna B. (4)                         
Liam J. (4)                              Michael B. (4)           Maggie S. (5)
Alaina S. (5)                          Amanda P. (7)          Haley K. (7)              
Noah J. (7)
Almost Perfect church Attendance (missed only once)
Caleb A. (1)                           Jackson G. (1)          Peyton K. (1)
Thomas G. (2)                       Elijah K. (3)               Heidi B. (3)               
Audrey T. (4)                         Lauryn G. (4)             Markus V. (5)           
Sarah P. (5)                           Thomas M. (5)           Michael V. (8)          
Ethan S. (8)                           Jake S. (7)                 Taylor R. (8)             
Calvin B. (7)                          Brooke A. (7)
Happy Birthday
22        Sophie S. (P2)
24        Mr. Reisenbichler
28        Rebecca F. (P4)
Classroom information
Mrs. Frey (P-3 & P-4)
Preschool is learning about letter S for spiders this week. 3’s will create handprint spiders and build a web by weaving yarn. 4’s will create an egg carton spider and practice letter S in an Itsy Bitsy Spider poem and craft. 4’s are also looking forward to a visit from the Fire Department on Monday. In Bible Time 3’s will hear the account of baby Moses and learn about God’s plan for this tiny baby. 4’s will hear of Jacob’s trick on his father and Esau’s anger. They will learn that God forgives all sins.
Mrs. Reynolds (PK & P-2)
 P2 will continue to spend October ‘on the farm’.  Our theme this week is “terrific trees”.  In Art we will practice our tearing skills by making falls leaves out of tissue paper for our trees. We will also begin our letter exploration and do a craft with the letter A. In Bible we are continuing our Creation books.  Pre-K is learning about the letter S this week. We will learn the parts of a spider and compile a list of fun facts about spiders. We will also make a tasty spider craft from oreos. In Bible we will read the story of Abraham. We will also read the book, "Not a Stick" and make our own "Not a Stick" class book.
Mrs. Sherman (K)
Kindergarten will learn fun, interesting facts as they study spiders. Did you know that spiders "taste" their prey by touching it?  Did you know that most spiders live on land but some live in and on water?  Some of the spidery activities in which the boys and girls will participate are cooking and eating spiders, observing spiders, making spider hats, labeling the parts of a spider and creating a spider book. During Jesus time, the class will continue the account of Joseph.  This is a story of happy times and sad times but God was with Joseph through it all! At math time, the class will learn about tricky teen numbers and symmetry.  Their literacy unit focuses on senses, blending onsets and rimes and using descriptive words in writing.  The full day students will enjoy additional spider activities.  They will play spider word splat and spider shake and spill. During math, they will decompose the number eight using spider legs.  At Spanish time, they will sing and perform the actions to Cinco Ratoncitos.
Mrs. Reisenbichler (1)
Break was refreshing for everyone even though several children came back with colds.  This week we learned that God is slow to anger, but there is a limit to his patience.  This lesson was learned by studying the accounts of the twelve spies.  In math, we had our second test, counted pumpkin seeds, and played store.  We started our lessons in science on forces and motion using Science4us.  These lessons were reinforced by using pumpkins.  The children started their second book in artist/writer's workshop.  This book is about weather.
Ms. Rhonemus (2)
This week in second grade we got to read about Miss Fry and her classroom full of pets in the book titled "Teacher's Pets" which helped the students focus on the author's word choice.  In writing we used what we learned from reading by trying say something with their writing instead of just writing something to write it. The first step involved using good adjectives to describe our rooms so that we could close our eyes and see their rooms. Seventh and Eighth graders are learning about the immune system and vaccinations.
Mrs. Mayo (3-4)
In religion we did the final preparations for our chapel play on Wednesday and we finished studying the account of Jesus healing the official's son.  In reading, we started the book, The Tiger Rising.  In grammar, we worked on homophone pronouns that we always mix up.  In social studies we learned about West Virginia and Virginia.  In science we worked on light and sound energy.  In math, the 3rd graders worked on measurement, perimeter, and area.  The 4th graders worked on word problems.
Mr. Postenrieder (5-6)
In our Bible time this week we looked at the life of Job. In 5th grade math we worked with polygon angles and tessellations. We also enjoyed our test over Unit 3! In 6th grade math we worked with fractions, measures of a circle, angles, and least common multiples. In our Language Arts time we began to study poetry. In Social Studies we completed our power point presentations and also studied different types of political systems. In Science we continued to work with measurement in science. We also worked on our experimental plan for the Science Fair.  In Spelling it was back to a regular week with a theme based on Proverbs 25:18.
Mr. Mayo (7,8)
We were tested this week.  No, not THAT test, but ones I made.  I want tests to be a learning experience for my students, but I’m not sure they all see it that way.  We begin a discussion of the Southern Colonies and their “peculiar institution”.  I’m sure it will surprise the students that some of the very people who owned slaves were against the entire idea in principal, but business was business.  We are horrified by the way human beings were not treated with the common dignity we expect for all people now.
Mr. Reisenbichler (7-8)
In religion we are studying how God blesses our career choice.  In 7th grade math the students are studying the metric system and estimating decimal problems.  In 8th grade math we are studying probability and subtracting integers.  The students are learning to make ice cream towers in STEM.

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