Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Principal's Epistle              
10 Chapel at 9:15 AM
11 $1 Dress Down Day, NO Science Club and Dancing Club!
12 No School
14 St. Mark’s has worship services at 8AM, 10:30AM, and 6PM with Sunday Sch. at 9:15AM
15 No School
16 Science Olympiad until 4:30 and Dancing Club until 4:15
17 Chapel at 9:15, Preschool Staff mt. at 3:30 PM
18 Last Science Club until 4:15, Dance Club until 4:15
19 Science Olympiad until 4:30PM
21 Science Olympiad 12 noon-3PM
Prayer Families
Ava C. (P4), Ellie I. (P2), Morgan M. (P4), Sydney M. (P3)
Saint Salute
A big Saint Salute and thanks to Bob McMasters for changing the church and school sign on a regular basis.
A big Saint Salute and thanks to Dale Stewart for installing our new state-of-the-art security system.  (you can see it on the big screen in the office)
            There are many ways parents can support their child’s learning and school.  Here are a few ideas:
Ø  Spend a few minutes every evening looking over handouts your child brings home.  Fill out forms to return the next day.
Ø  Tell your child’s teachers if you can help them out at school or home.
Ø  Make sure teachers know you appreciate their efforts.  From time to time, send a thank-you or an email.
Ø  Contact your child’s teacher immediately if you see a problem.  Working together will help your child succeed.
Ø  Attend conferences and school events regularly.
Important Dates to Know
12-15 No School
19 Grades 1-4 Field Trip to Nature Center
20  Father-Daughter Dance
26 Preschool-4’s to Newport Aquarium
27   Parents’ Night Out
March 6  Grades 1-8 sing in 10:30AM service
Call issued to Mr. Tim Kollmorgan
The committee issued a call to be St. Mark’s next principal to Tim Kollmorgan from Trinity Lutheran School in Toledo, OH.
Box Tops Update
Well the race is on! We have three classrooms that are battling it out for the lead in our new Box Top$ for Education contest. Second grade  is in the lead with 16.8 per student then followed by grades 3 & 4 with 14.28 per student and close behind is 7 & 8 grades with 10 per
student.  Be sure you are sending in Box Top$ that have not expired. We had to throw out a large amount last week because of that. Thanks to everyone who did a great job of sending in Box Top$ that were trimmed. Keep collecting! Contest ends March 23rd!
Judi and Gil Schepmann, coordinators
Science Olympiad
The snow played games with our practice times.  Therefore, SO practices will be Friday, Feb. 19 after school until 4:30PM.  Also, team members may practice on Sunday, Feb. 21 any time noon – 3PM.  Lunch will be served at noon for those present.
Enrollment for 2016-17
Enrollment for next year has begun.  All enrollments are on a first-come, first-served basis   The enrollment fee increases March 1.
Winter Closings and Delays
Watch you email,, or channel 9 on the news for St. Mark’s Lutheran delays or closings.  We follow Milford’s lead on this matter.
Happy Birthday
15        Sarah P. (5)
Classroom information
Mrs. Frey (P-3 & P-4)
V is for Valentine! In this short week we will celebrate God’s love for us, create valentines for our families, and celebrate Valentine’s day with a class party. In Bible Time 3’s will hear the parable of the Good Samaritan, which reminds us to show mercy to others. 4’s will hear of Jesus’ visit with Mary and Martha. Mary’s devotion to sit and listen to Jesus shows us that her priorities are in order.
Mrs. Reynolds (PK & P-2)
This week Pre-K is learning about healthy eating! We are excited to play in our grocery center! We have been collecting empty boxes and containers and now our shelves are stocked about our classroom has become a grocery store! We are sorting healthy and non-healthy foods and talking about how healthy foods help our bodies. We are dissecting fruits, talking about their different parts and tasting them. Our vocabulary word this week is "delicious" we will be talking about what we think is delicious and drawing pictures for our journals. We are having a great week in Pre-K!
Pre-2 doesn't have class this week1
Mrs. Sherman (K)
Kindergarten enjoyed heart themed activities as they looked forward to Valentine's Day.  They made an addition craft based on the book, The Day It Rained Hearts, sorted and graphed candy hearts, wrote Love Monster letters and identified activities that keep their hearts healthy! At Bible time, they heard the account of Jesus changing water into wine.  The boys and girls know that Jesus cared enough to take care of our biggest need – the need for forgiveness of sins.  So, if Jesus cared enough to save them from the punishment of their sins, they can trust Him to care for their smaller problems too.  The full day students rotated through Valentine reading and math centers such as Love Notes (unscramble the words), Sweet Treats Train (add the room) and Racing Hearts (counting on)!  They completed a book study, Roses Are Pink, Your Feet Really Stink and identified the problems and solutions in the story.
Mrs. Reisenbichler (1)
Our theme in Jesus Time this week was Jesus Heals.  Jesus healed the crippled man, his mother-in-law, and he heals us spiritually and physically.  The children learned about the future tense, contractions, and writing in language arts.  In science, we wrote conclusions for our science fair projects and typed them besides learning about living and non-living things.  The children's math skills were assessed this week covering time, counting money, and subtraction.  Their winter stories take a lot of time, but we have some awesome writers.
Ms. Rhonemus (2)
During our short week the second graders have been working on number sense, basic multiplication and division, as well as finding multiple numbers that add up to the same number.  We are also learning about safety from Officer Buckle and Gloria  which is one of the stories in our reading curriculum.  In addition to this we are also going to be reading and learning about Presidents Lincoln and Washington since their birthdays are this weekend.  In seventh and eighth grade we are finishing up our chapter on the solar system.
Mrs. Mayo (3-4)
In religion we learned about prayer, starting with the Lord's prayer. In reading, we finally finished Riding Freedom and were glad it had a happy ending.  We learned a lot about how women were treated in pioneer days.  In grammar we continued to learn about adverbs.  Georgia was the state we studied in social studies. In science we learned about technology.  We saw how technology has changed since Mrs. Mayo was in college by watching a video about Steve Jobs.  In math the 3rd graders began a multiplication chapter while the 4th graders began a chapter on fractions.  We ended the short week with a Valentine party.
Mr. Postenrieder (5-6)
In our Bible time this week we studied the lives of Deborah and Barak and Samson. In 5th grade math we subtracted mixed numbers, and multiplied fractions.  In 6th grade math we used prime factorization to reduce fractions, divided mixed numbers, worked with complimentary and supplementary angles. In our Language Arts time we continued to look at argument and persuasion. In Social Studies we continued our study on the effect of history on the U.S. and Canada. In Science we planted petunias and began to study ecosystems and biomes. In Spelling we worked through Unit 20 on words ending with –ar and -er.
Mr. Mayo (7,8)
Every day for the past few weeks I’ve been asking for someone (a different person every day) to explain what the Great Compromise was.  I’ve told them it will be on the test, I’ve explained the detail I wish to see in their answers, and we’ve had plenty of practice.  I’m hoping everyone gets everything right on that question.   We’re reading  selections from our Literature book, mostly in the horror genre.  Some of us learned that Frankenstein was the name of the doctor, not the monster.   It strikes me as funny that we think of “playing God” when we create something new.  Some scientists must have not gotten the message.
Mr. Reisenbichler (7-8)
In religion we are discussing conflict resolution.  In 7th grade math the students are estimating areas and studying transformations(not transformers).  In 8th grade math we are transforming formulas and studying polynomials.  The students are building a bird feeder in STEM.

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